VÉgA, for Vocabulary of Ancient Egyptian in French, is an online digital dictionary, born from private/public collaboration within the LabEx Archimede (ANR-II-LABX-0032-01), supported by the CNRS and the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. Its aim is to become an indispensable and regularly updated research platform, as well as a medium for international scientific collaborations. Thanks to a user-friendly interface, every user, whether they be an amateur, professional, student or linguist, will be able to study the Egyptian words through online access to the most up-to-date academic information available on the subject.
The tool is now available at https://app.vega-lexique.fr. Clic on “Access the tool”.
In short
VÉgA statistics

26 November 2017
CNRS Forum “What remains to be discovered?”

The VÉgA was part of the CNRS Forum at the Cité internationale universitaire of Paris on 25 and 26 November 2017. The project team offered you an interactive and educational demonstration so that you could “Translate hieroglyphs through digital”.